- Acest eveniment a trecut.
Targ de muzica – What WAS music (discuri benzi casete Cd-uri)
14 aprilie, 2018 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Targ de muzica – What WAS music
(discuri / benzi / casete / Cd-uri)
Targul se va desfasura Sambata, 14 Aprilie, in sala de spectacole de la Moszkva Cafe, Oradea, str. Moscovei nr. 8 in intervalul orar 13-17. Iti poti aduce si tu materialele muzicale, indiferent de suport (vinil, casete, casete VHS, benzi de magnetofon, cd-uri) pentru vanzare.
Ce trebuie sa stii si sa faci?
Inscrierea comerciantilor se va face exclusiv prin email, la adresa: [email protected], pe principiul primul venit/primul sosit, iar numarul de ordine al meselor va respecta lista inscrierilor.
Intrarea este libera!
The music fair will take place on Saturday, 14th of April, in Moszkva Cafe, Oradea, Moscow Moscovei street no. 8 in – the time interval 13-17. You can also bring your musical materials, regardless of their support (vinyl, tapes, VHS tapes, tape recorders, CDs) for sale.
What do you need to know and do? Merchant registration will be made exclusively by email at: [email protected], on the first come / first arrived basis, and the order number of the meals will follow the list of entries.
Free Entry!