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3 martie, 2018 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm


3 martie, 2018
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Eveniment Category:
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Moszkva Zone
Moszkva Zone Moscovei 8
Oradea, 410001 RO
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A koncert a Hangfoglaló Program és az NKA Igazgatóságának támogatásával valósul meg.

The Biebers were founded by two Hungarians – and an English musician in 2012. Their first single called “Dance” made it to the top of many hungarian radio charts, but their real hit was their next single called “Sorry”, which helped them to become Hungary’s most anticipated indie-electro-pop band. Over the time the band size grew to 6 musicians mixing electronic sound with live instruments and critically acclaimed to be one of the best live performing bands of HU! …Flirting with sexy melodies and punching them hard live on stage has made become the traditional dance music for the drunk generation.
