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23 februarie, 2019 10:00 am - 12:00 pm


23 februarie, 2019
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
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Oradea City Tour
Oradea City Tour Oradea City Tour + Harta Google

Cu ocazia „Zilei Internationale a Ghidului de Turism” care se sarbeaza pe 21 Februarie in fiecare an, va invitam la o serie de tururi de oras in limba romana, engleza si maghiara.
Tema anului 2019: Ghidul de Turism in era Digitala!
ITGD – International Tourist Guide Day!!
2019 Theme: Tourist Guiding in the Digital Era

Se sarbatoreste in fiecare an pe data de 21 februarie incepand cu 1990, o initiativa a Federatiei Mondiale a Asociatiilor de Ghizi ( WFTGA).

Tur de oras GRATUIT:
Tema: Legendele orasului
Data: 23 februarie 2019 | sambata
Ora: 10:00
Locul de intalnire: Teatrul Regina Maria

Tur pietonal GRATUIT, numar limitat 30 pers !!!! , turul dureaza aprox. 2 ore.

Participarea se face completand formularul din link-ul de mai jos:

February 21st is an initiative of WFTGA. The International Tourist Guide Day is held on 21st February each year.

A Must for Local Citizens and Local Tourism and Travel Industry Partners. Get to Know the Professional Tourist Guides and Your Ambassadors to the world!

Tourist guides in an ever growing number of countries have been giving help to their local communities, conducting tours for disabled persons, disadvantaged persons, for children, industry partners, officials and the general public to celebrate this day.

Events are also held for local tourist guides in different countries and include presentations,courses, guest speakers and activities. It is a public relations event par excellence, drawing the attention of local authorities, fellow citizens and the media to the quality and value of the work of professional Tourist Guides.

Each year, awareness grows and there is an increasing contribution by both regional and national governments to the International Tourist Guide Day.

WFTGA announces a theme per ITGD and country members are encouraged to participate on or new the date.

#WFTGA #InternationalTouristGuideDay #TourGuide #TouristGuide #Oradea #ScoalaDeGhiziOradea
#DigitalTransformation #ITGD2019 #BeAgentsOfChange #WFTGAITGD
