- Acest eveniment a trecut.
Ivan & The Parazol / Moszkva Cafe, Oradea (RO)
24 martie, 2018 9:00 pm - 25 martie, 2018 12:00 am
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For rock music fans, who would love to have the 60’s and 70’s rock freshened up with some modern touch, Ivan & The Parazol is a cheeky young rock and roll band whose catchy rock tunes ensure that rock music will never go out of style. Ivan & The Parazol stays fresh and due to their charismatic frontman and their energy on stage foreshadow a rising of a new beat generation.
SUPPORT: 20 RON in advance
25 RON on the day of the concert
A koncert a Nemzeti Kulturális Alap és a Hangfoglaló Program közreműködésével jön létre.