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17 martie, 2018 10:00 pm - 18 martie, 2018 4:00 am


17 martie, 2018 10:00 pm
Se termină:
18 martie, 2018 4:00 am
Eveniment Category:


apple room
apple room Moscovei nr. 8
Oradea, RO
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+ CRISTINA [HighSound] – Bucharest


Cristina was born near the Black Sea shore in the holiday spot 2Mai, on April 19, 1987. She was used to electronics since childhood because her father was active in this field. Cristina made her first contact with the players at the age of 14 and shortly after she starts playing at a local summer club. During that time she also finished a singing school.

In 2006 she moves to Bucharest, also the capital of Romania when it comes to clubbing, and starts her DJ activity here. Her first gig was at the Zebra club in Bacau, where many artists who left their mark in the Romanian underground scene have started. She acquires 9 year’s experience, playing in most of the clubs and being rezident at Silver after-hours club, with the first 3 years being the most active.

After staying in the shadows for a while Cristina returns by flirting with music production, coming with her own sound, full of emotion and happiness. In December 2016 she collaborates with the label Arms Limited for the release of her first Ep, Zbor Maiastru, promoted on Beatport. September 2017, brings it to her, a new colaboration, with Cisne Negro Records from Chile, her new Release Love Dimension. September, brings her a huge joy, she will be part of the HighSound.Ro Team, being an agency that promotes dj artists and music producers.

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