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A different approach towards unit testing
26 aprilie, 2017 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
The topic of Unit testing is usually left aside when discussing new projects with clients.
One of the possible reasons for this is that clients do not understand the value of unit testing. Even worse, developers might not completely understand it either.
Still, if done properly, unit testing can bring great value to any project. With it, functionality is thoroughly tested, and developers can keep calm during major code refactorings as they will have a higher degree of certainty that things won’t break. In turn, all this adds up to happier clients.
During the presentation we will look at different mock up methods and their implications. We’ll also check out tools such as assertion frameworks and providers that help complete and streamline the testing process. The presentation will feature specific examples that will be available on GitHub.
About our speaker:
Alex Oancea is a senior developer at Qubiz. A huge fan of Elon Musk and SpaceX, he’s passionate about everything technology, software development and quantum physics.
HoloLens hands-on experience:
As a bonus for this event, participants will get the chance to try HoloLens hands on while networking after the presentation. The hands-on experience is facilitated by Marian Serban and Marius Bughiu, both software developers at Qubiz. By day, Marius is a full stack developer/wannabe software architect. By night, he claims to be a mobile apps enthusiast. Marian is a software developer with a passion for fitness, sports and video games.