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11 noiembrie 2017 23:00 - 12 noiembrie 2017 5:00


11 noiembrie 2017 23:00
Se termină:
12 noiembrie 2017 5:00
Eveniment Category:

Be a legend in the night and have great stories to tell in the morning!

Every Saturday, MOVE Club brings you good energy, cool vibes and magic moments!

D.j. Alex & MC Florin Topor will bring the sounds up high to keep the dance floor going all the way through the night!
JOIN US! Free Entry!
Doors Open at 23:00 | RSVP: 0799 100 200
Dress code: smart casual

Accesul este permis doar persoanelor care au împlinit vârsta de 18 ani!
MOVE Club isi rezerva dreptul, de a-si selecta clientela!
artwork by Roland Muresan


MOVE Club Mihail Kogalniceanu, nr 15
Brasov, 500090 RO
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