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3 iunie 2017 18:00 - 23:59


3 iunie 2017
18:00 - 23:59
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Kruhnen Musik Halle
Kruhnen Musik Halle Nicolae Titulescu, 2P
Brasov, Romania


Kruhnen Musik Halle

Stardust, primul material full-length semnat de grupul brasovean The Thirteenth Sun si lansat sub egida Aural Music, va fi lansat oficial la Brasov in cadrul unui concert ce are loc in data de 3 iunie, la Kruhnen Musik Halle (Str. Nicolae Titulescu, nr 2P).

Invitat special este grupul brasovean Black Water.

Biletele sunt disponibile la pretul de 30 de lei

Descris drept o calatorie individuala ce poate fi raportata la fiecare ascultator, Stardust este incercarea de a intreba, fara a avea asteptari sau a primi un raspund definitoriu. Muzical, albumul este cu adevarat o escapada din limitele rutinei, in incercarea de a cuprinde nemarginitul si cuantumul infinit al posibilitatilor ce se afla in fata fiecaruia.

Inregistrat in studioul Conosance, alaturi de Edmond Karban (dordeduh) in rolul de producator dar si invitat pe album, masterizarea a fost realizata de Martin Zeller, in timp ce grafica este semnata de Costin Chioreanu (Ulver, Arcturus, Enslaved, Arch Enemy). Stardust este deja disponibil in format CD, download digital, vinil si poate fi comandat pe http://www.auralmusic.com/the-thirteenth-sun-sign-with-aural-music/.

Discul va fi disponibil si in seara evenimentului.

„The music builds from a crystalline hypnotic melody over a bass-led rhythm, gradually becoming heavier through the addition of a jabbing riff, and heavier still as the riffing and the vocals become more urgent, building a sense of mounting tension. The vocals are a significant reason for the song’s allure. Rather than harsh, they’re high and soaring… but they become intense, just as the music does.” No Clean Singing

„Having an atmospheric touch in its essence and also an experimental side to the entire concept, the band has found an ideal place to expose the light of the „Stardust” album, that place being Aural Music, where experimental and ambient are very familiar words and boundaries are being redefined and explored constantly.” Metal Underground

„The Thirteenth Sun created one hell of a debut with Stardust. It’s easy to listen to since it’s not overly technical, but the superb arrangements drag you in like a black hole and keep you in orbit, hitting play again as soon as it’s over. The lukewarm finale is a minor smudge, but it does little to diminish the shine of one of my favorite albums this year so far. If only hardcore technical ability gets your panties dripping, you may consider this boring, but if you love great progressive compositions, don’t miss out on this.” Angry Metal Guy

Black Water – Brasov

Black Water a luat fiinta initial ca un duo format din Silviu Pop (We Are Numbers / Ordinul Negru) si Sikorsky (The Thirteenth Sun / Round Sound).

In aceasta formula au inregistrat 3 piese (Black light, Burning fire, Deliah is no more) toate avand la baza acelasi filon electro-acustic. Odata cu venirea lui Teo (The Dignity Complex) sound-ul se schimba capatand accente de post rock si electrogaze, noile compozitii devenind mai atmosferice.