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23 decembrie 2017 23:00 - 24 decembrie 2017 5:00


23 decembrie 2017 23:00
Se termină:
24 decembrie 2017 5:00
Eveniment Category:

Once upon a time, Winter came into town. Terrible snows and cold winds ventured upon, or so the word goes about Winter. As for the rest of us, we just saw the snowmen, the skating ring, the white fairytale and prepared for SANTA! So you see, for us, Winter rocks!

This Saturday, the 23rd of December, Adaggio hosts a party worthy of Winter holidays. It’s a time for joy, happiness and beautiful moments together with friends. It’s a classic, not to miss 🙂
Deejay Barbone is the main star of this classic Adaggio Party.
Join us this Saturday, after 11.00pm.
RSVP: 0760 299 222


Adaggio Bulevardul 15 Noiembrie 78
Brasov, 500097 RO
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