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Brasov International Marathon 2018
19 mai 2018 10:00 - 20 mai 2018 16:00
19-20 Mai 2018
Cel mai panoramic maraton de sosea din Romania!
Maratonul International Brasov powered by Telekom Sport Romania este un eveniment sportiv de masa, un prilej de sarbatoare pentru oras, de promovare a obiectivelor turistice, culturale, gastronomice.
Din 2017, evenimentul de alergare din Brasov este oficial membru full AIMS International (Asociatia Internationala a Maratoanelor si Curselor de Distanta), cel mai important for international in domeniu.
Oricine poate participa! De la 4 la 90+ ani, alegand una dintre cele 6 curse, pe distante diferite: maraton 42km, semimaraton 21km, cursa de 10,7km si cursa populara de 5,7km (necompetitiva si necronometrata, in scop caritabil), team run 4×10.7km si curse pentru copii intre 4-14 ani.
Inscrierile online pentru cea de a 4-a editie a Maratonului International Brasov sunt deschise pana pe 15 mai 2018!
19 mai – Sesiunea de predare de kituri, Sport Expo si Cursa Copiilor
20 mai – Start curse competitive si cursa populara 5,7km
May 19-20th, 2018
Romania’s most panoramic road marathon!
The Brasov International Marathon powered by Telekom Sport Romania is a mass sports event, an opportunity for the city to celebrate and promote its tourist attractions, cultural sights and gastronomic delights.
Since 2017 it has been a full member of AIMS International (International Association of Marathons and Distance Races), the most important international forum in the field.
Anyone can participate! From 4 to 90+ year-olds, you can choose one of the 6 races, which cover various distances: 42km marathon, 21km half marathon, 10.7km race and 5.7km popular race, 4×10.7km team run and races for children aged 4 to 14.
The online registration for the 4th edition of the #BrasovInternationalMarathon is open until 15th of May 2018!
May 19th – Race kit pick-up, Sport Expo & Kids Race
May 20th – Competitive races & 5 k race